Thursday, October 20, 2011

NXT Results - October 19, 2011

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AJ is in the locker room and Kaitlyn enters. AJ reads a letter that she thinks is from Hornswoggle. Kaitlyn says that Maxine wrote the letter. Kaitlyn tells AJ that she is going to beat Maxine tonight.

Back from commercial, Kaitlyn has something to say on the way to the ring. She tells Maxine that she is tired of all of the mind games. She tells Maxine to stop picking on her best friend and she is going to show why Maxine lost NXT and why Kaitlyn won. Kaitlyn calls Maxine fish lips in Spanish.

Kaitlyn with AJ Lee versus Maxine

They lock up and Kaitlyn with a waist lock take down. Maxine with a waist lock but Kaitlyn with a hip lock. Maxine with a front face lock but Kaitlyn picks up Maxine and puts her on the top rope. Maxine sends Kaitlyn into the ropes. Maxine with chops for a near fall. Maxine runs into an elbow but she applies a Dragon Sleeper with a body scissors.

Kaitlyn gets to her knees but she falls to the ropes and Maxine releases the hold. Maxine slams Kaitlyn’s head into the mat and gets a near fall. Kaitlyn with a forearm but Maxine with an elbow to the midsection and Maxine chokes Kaitlyn in the ropes.

Maxine with a reverse chin lock but Kaitlyn gets to her feet. Maxine pulls Kaitlyn back to the mat by her hair and she gets a near fall. Maxine with a reverse chin lock but Kaitlyn gets to her feet and she backs Maxine into the corner and snap mares Maxine.

Kaitlyn with a running back elbow and then she charges into the corner with a forearm. Kaitlyn throws Maxine to the mat and then hits a seated splash for a near fall. Maxine with chops but she misses a clothesline. Kaitlyn with a Bubba Bomb into a full nelson with the legs and Maxine taps out.

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